Humanistic education is education that aims to meet the needs of students, both basic needs and other aspects including: conative, cognitive and affective. Humanistic education provides opportunities for student to actualize themself. Art education also provides knowledge and understanding to the ‘artworld’. It’s also provides an experience of the beauty. From expression activities, children will get a chance to vent his subconscious desire or urge so that his mental health will be guaranteed. Similarly, through creative activities, children have the opportunity to show their identity or their potential to others. Art education provides opportunities for students to be a creative person, also provides opportunities for students to appreciate the artwork. The appreciation activity in this regard is an activity to values or to enjoy works of art, both home- made and artist-made. Through this activity, students will be expected to respect or to appreciate the artistic work and aesthetic experience. This activity also enriches the student’s knowledge and theirexperiences byknowing values of theart. This appreciationactivity can also satisfy the studentneeds to the aesthetic pleasure. Activity to appreciate the work of art can also educate students to be comprehension and to love the work of others, which in turn can make the students have a mutual respect between friends/colleagues and fellow human beings. So, it can be said that humanism ideology has colored art education system in the world including in Indonesia until now.
Key words: ideology, liberalism, humanism, self-actualization, self-expression.