Talking about dignity of human and national identity cannot be separated from the role of arts and arts education. How strong of character, humanity and national identity has been stained by art. The strong of art shade, the strong of personality of the individual, group, humanity and nationality, automatically will be more tough in counteracting the onslaught of contemporary civilization. Conversely when the shades of undirected and weak, then shades of modern civilization, contemporary civilization penetrated freely erode exhausted civilization, humanity and national identity.
Strength of the art color is determined by technical sweeping color. The extent to which art permeates the human soul and express the personality of a nation is dependent on the concept developed by policy makers of art, artists, and art educators as well as the extent to which national and regional policy directed explicitly and clearly warrant the development of the concept of art and art education to improve human dignity and nationality.
Development of the arts and arts education quality is influenced on sense of aesthetic, ethical and practical so it can change the personality of individual or groups. Innovative and creative strategies with systematic attention to the creative process must be understood by artists and arts educators, so that the development of the arts and arts education are able to form positive personality and aesthetic uplift the dignity of humanity and national identity.
The basic problems in the field are the arts and arts educator human recourses quality still weak , especially in understanding the meaning of art a whole and the translation of National political policy still weak so not able to handgrip directionally art development.