This paper essentially discusses character education contained in the art of shadow puppet show through language ' motion ' (sabetan) 'Gara-gara', as well as a medium of inspiration for contemporary art. 'Gara-gara' , is one of the scenes of the overall performances of Wayang Kulit . Through the completion of the basic pitch range sound of gamelan, called pathet , which includes the three parts of the tone . 1 ) Pathet Nem , 2). Pathet Sanga , and 3). Manyura . Scenes ' Gara-gara' is a part of the Pathet Sanga , which displays the contents of jokes through punakawan figures ( Semar , Gareng , Petruk , Bagong ) . This study used qualitative research methods and approaches to language study such as science part art . This qualitative method seeks to answer questions about any aspect of storytelling in ' motion ' puppet . Specific discussion focused on aspects of language in such a story, rather than on aesthetic principles and symbolic meaning . This visual language is a means used to communicate through images , therefore commonly called the language of images or visual laguages . The picture language , expressed in the form of shadow puppets on the screen , through which light rays are called blencong . Analysis of the picture is the aspect of ' motion ' of the shadow puppet puppeteer results. The results of the study are in the form of a picture vocabulary ' motion ' shadow puppets , which depicts the story of manners at once that can be used as inspiration for the development of ideas about contemporary art media .