In the past, especially the Javanese, people worn batik as a traditional cloth which was emphasizing on some aspects such as: objects, ceremonial, ritual, historical and cultural. It generally explains that batik has two definitions, that are 1) batik as a cultural object / explicit cues which more focus on the physical appearance such as motifs, textile materials and colors of batik itself, and 2) batik as a non cultural object / implicit cues which focus on the values contained in batik. But now batik has been able to become a media of communication which unites different cultures, because its existence does not just represent the diversity of the traditional art in one area only, but it has been transformed as a tool that is able to communicate authentically about the identity of the country that has been recognized, even virtually, by the entire of the world. It can be described in the Product Assimilation theory which states that the position of art can serve as an effective communication media. Thereby we can use batik as one strategy to improve the quality of authentic identity of the Nusantara.