Prosiding ICAAE 2014 - The European Cultural Influence on The Contemporary Indonesian Theater in The Beginning of 21st century: The Study of The Literary Reception through The Media in Indonesia

Dian Swandayani

Informasi Dasar

17 kali
Proceeding ( Electronic )
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 23
Tel-U Purwokerto : Rak 8

This paper aims to describe the European cultural influence on the contemporary Indonesian theater in the beginning of 21st century through the media in Indonesia. The subject which discuss are the important media in Indonesia. Data collected by reading of those medias. Data analyzed by qualitative technique with the Cultural Studies. Indonesia, according to Dennis Lombard, is regarded as a world cultural cross country ( le Carrefour javanais ) which has been influenced by the cultures of the world , such as Chinese , Arabic ,Indian, and Western. Until the beginning of the 21st century , the process of acculturation, including European, is still in progress as an element forming a national identity that continues to change. Even within the last 10 years , the acculturation of various aspects of culture in Indonesia intensified happen. This acculturation happens, for example, in the fields of philosophy, literature, art, culture , science and technology . Theater, as a part of the arts, also helped get the effect . In this field , the European nations are nations that are quite advanced in developing the theater, including in promoting it around the world, including Indonesia . In this article, it will be presented reception Indonesian society to the contemporary indonesian theater which influenced Europe . The number of articles on the European theater published in the media in Indonesia will be analyse with the study of the Cultural Studies. Through the technique of content analysis is expected to find patterns of European acculturation to Contemporary Indonesian theater in the beginning of 21stcentury. Keywords: theater , acculturation , literary reception , European.




Prosiding ICAAE 2014 - The European Cultural Influence on The Contemporary Indonesian Theater in The Beginning of 21st century: The Study of The Literary Reception through The Media in Indonesia
7p.; 159KB


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Dian Swandayani


Universitas Telkom




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