In Indonesia, The Statue of Struggle Monument present as a form of public art that has a dimensional aspect of nationalism in them. As a work of art, Statue Monument of Struggle considered capable of providing educational value through appreciation of the attitude of society to cultivate the values of heroism into a national character which can then be inherited in the next generation.
Moreover,the problemsof form, theaesthetic values, andsymbolic meaningonthe Statue Monument of Struggle inIndonesiais indirectlyaffect the level ofappreciationin assessing thework ofpublicartasatotality ofvisualsymptomsthatare perception, interpreted, perceivedandappreciatedina variety ofcommunitysees.
This articlewill hopefullygivesclarityon thedirectionorsymptoms thathappened tothe communityinviewof apublicartworksuch assculpturemonumentas a symbol of the nationalism of struggle of the nation that present in the community with a variety of perceptions.