Kentrung a speech art -telling art form- with a bandage element in the presentation of music as accompaniment , often staged in celebration -a celebration associated with certain rites of passage- in the life of community supporters. In fact, this art is the quantity of the play frequency is reduced, but still persist in supporting the community, including the people in the village Jondhang, District Kedung, Jepara. This is due to the existence of such a requirement is institutionalized in the society to perform as part of a ritual Kentrung khol Syeh Jondhang known as the forerunner of the village. Plus the specialization of the play -stories- titled Syech Kentrung Jondhang that should only be played at the venue. Kentrung survival in people's lives Jondhang seen as complementary cultural life, not merely entertainment or implemented liability only. Moreover Kentrung serve as a source of guidance in life behaving beside his religious beliefs which became the main handle Jondhang villagers. The power of myth Syeh Jondhang this story, which makes the local community does not have the courage to leave Kentrung as part of this ritual. Though life in the Islamic religion on society is still very strong. Etnoart is the main perspective with the advanced research emic approach as the main instrument to explore the data from the owner of the view of culture. Of course, the perspective etnoart performed in this study is supported by cultural theory such as (1) Emile Durkheim on the sacred, and (2) Roland Barthes about mythology. Both theories are used by researchers to strengthen foothold research, since the main source in the study are the views and thoughts of the actors and public support in the village Kentrung Jondhang, District Kedung, Jepara. Myth of Syeh Jondhang’s story became a major force in the preservation of life Kentrung especially for people in the village Jondhang that Islamic religion is very strong base. Persistence of local community in maintaining the myth, put in a mechanism use of Kentrung in the absolute system, so there is a kind of necessity to shew Kentrung as a staple part of the death rite - khol - Syech Jondhang.