In a range of both large scope and in daily life, fashion has always been an interesting thing to be discussed within the complexity of art and design. The development which was originally as a clothing needs of each individual human being turned into a need for a lot of people and into the industrial realm. In everyday life in addition to the main function as protective clothing and cover of the body, the other function is through clothing people can express identity, identity, opinions and taste. Industry or the fashion business covers various class of life. Starting from the upper layer economic class to the bottom layer of the economic class, ranging from large-scale international garment industry to a home industry. Everything is moving in each role and capacity.
From the various classifications in the fashion industry, there is currently a growing rapidly and interesting is the emerging of a local designer. The local designers come from young people who were the main markets in the fashion world. Inspired by the need and enthusiasm among young people in the fashion world and distributed to young people's creativity, then these local designers can sufficiently taken into account and instead is growing rapidly at this time. There’s also a fact that these local designers mostly came from students or graduates that were majoring in of Art and Design .
So the purpose of this research is to create a classification mapping from these local designers in the fashion industry in Indonesia, especially in Bandung. As a theoretical analysis of the development of fashion as a cultural product.In the lack of a theoretical study of the development of fashion in Indonesia. While the is more and more development of scientific fields related to fashion. Also analyze and predict how the development of the fashion industry by local designers is to not only be a momentary phenomenon, but it is becoming increasingly well-developed and useful to society.