This study examines the level of comfort furniture in Arts Education Laboratory. The study was conducted to determine the relationship of furniture convenience with student achievement. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using anthropometrics and ergonomics theory approach. How anthropometrics and ergonomics dimensions vary between students is the main problems in this study. The findings of the study states that the ergonomics and anthropometrics dimension among students has a value of X (mean) under 395-490 mm Standard International (recommendation: Dreyfuss , 1959, Nurmianto , Eko.1991 ). With a standard deviation of 1.96, the 2.5 percentile and 97.5 percentile are still in the normal range 34.7-45.7 cm (Data Table 4.7 and Table 4.8: Force student-dimensional anthropometrics 2012-2013). Furniture Design in Arts Education Studio has not considered the use of body dimension for the students using it. Therefore students might experience discomfort while doing lab work using the existing furniture (2.5 percentile), and hence the furniture should be adjustable. Center of gravity or moment of gravity during lab hours of students sitting and resting on the buttocks of normal working area is in the range of 34.7-45.7 cm. While students standing on the feet resting with angular motion and freedom of movement (SBB) is in the range 72.5- 89.8 (Data Table 4.2 - Table 4.5: Data Ergonomics Student Force from 2012 to 2013) in accordance with the recommendation CG Drury in the 'Journal of Applied Ergonomics' Vol.13, p.135 which is still the comfortable level. Furniture discomfort in Arts Education Studio has no significant effect on student achievement. It might be influential in the event of injury to the wrist (tenosynovitis), or incidents that are categorized as epycondylitis, peritendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome, which will affect student’s work caused by muscle pain, thereby reducing student achievement.