A postmodern philosophical views that emerged after the modern times and the process is still ongoing in conjunction with modern times. The modern era emerged during the industrial revolution around 1875 until now. The paradigm of the industrial era and technology and its societies will create a universal pattern of scientific result to the excesses of the whole human life, this reasoning then led to the postmodern philosophy. Postmodern paradigm will help peoples assess societies and the work of art more humanist and it has the implications on art education.
This paper will discuss the philosohy of postmodern thought for human and the values of works of art and its implications for art education.
The stream of modern paradigm has a strong foundation in the natural sciences (Naturwissenschaften) associated with natural fonomena uniform, universal scientific. While the postmodern emphasis on human culture, humanities (Geisteswissenschaften) especially in the realm of art, science that deals with human (humanities), is seen to have a unique human phenomenon, human consciousness. Postmodern view in human societies i.e. : (1) socio-cultural theory can not escape the context of society, (2) effect on the local context values, (3). Reference on cultural uniqueness. The artwork has an independent subject, the subject according to the situation of dialectical community service, artistic values in accordance with the local community, has its own uniqueness can not be a universal rule of aesthetics and value. Implications in art education is referring to the aesthetic values of the game's own language (language game). Assessment in art education is not the same each other for multi cultural art, each art has its own aesthetic according their own criteria.