The aim of the study is to determine the effect of product quality, service quality and price towards customer satisfaction of Honda motorcycle users in Bandung. The type of research is descriptive-causal, by using linear regression analysis, non-probability sampling technique, one hundred respondents It can be seen from the result that the variable quality of the products are classified as good, 76.00%, the variable quality of services are also good ,73.55%, the variable price is equal to 68.00 % . The user satisfaction classified as good 76.46%. It can be a lso concluded that the partial satisfaction of users are mainly affected by the quality of service. The product quality significantly affects by 14.70% while service quality significantly affect by 17.00%. Variable price do not significantly affect with its value is only - 2.2% Simultaneously the product quality and service quality affecting significantly by 52.7% to the user satisfaction.