Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Jasa terhadap Keputusan Menabung pada Produk Taplus Muda BNI (Studi pada BNI Cabang Fatmawati Kantor Layanan UPN Tahun 2013) : Wirausaha Volume 9 , No.2, Agustus 2014

Winny Indriani, Nurafni Rubiyanti

Informasi Dasar

43 kali
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 22
Tel-U Purwokerto : Rak 8

As a saving product with an easy and light requirements, Taplus Muda is a considerable savings potential among young people, especially because there are many young Indonesian people who do not have a savings account at a bank. Unfortunately, the increasing number of customers in accordance with Taplus Muda has not targeted by the Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI). Research by the author aims to determine how the effect of the marketing mix with the customer purchase decision on the product Taplus Muda at BNI Branch Fatmawati Service Office UPN in 2013.
Based on the types of research, including research into the types of causality research. Sampling technique in this study is using convenience sampling technique and the number of samples in this study as many as 100 customers Taplus Muda BNI at BNI Branch Fatmawati Service Office UPN.
Hypothesis testing using the F test shows that marketing mix significantly influence decisions to save on products Taplus Muda, this is evidenced by > , at 23.169, at 2.629 and significant level of 0.00 (standard significant received ? = 5%). However, based on the partial results of hypothesis testing, subvariabel that significantly affect the decision to save on products Taplus Young is subvariabel product, price, promotion, place, process and physical evidence while subvariabel people not affect the decision to buy Taplus Muda. The coefficient of determination indicates that the marketing mix variables are able to explain the decision to save for 0.638 or 63.8 %. A percentage of 36.2% , influenced by other factors not examined in this research, such as brand image, service quality. Bank Negara Indonesia should maintain a marketing mix that has been done by way of improving the quality of service and also give customers more interested in innovation in order to make a decision to save on products Taplus Muda.

Keywords: Mix Marketing (Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People, Process, and Physical Evidence), The Decision of Saving.




Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Jasa terhadap Keputusan Menabung pada Produk Taplus Muda BNI (Studi pada BNI Cabang Fatmawati Kantor Layanan UPN Tahun 2013) : Wirausaha Volume 9 , No.2, Agustus 2014
14p.: pdf file.; 377 KB


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Winny Indriani, Nurafni Rubiyanti


Jurnal Wirausaha




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