The Effect Of Work-Family Conflict To Female Employee Performance In Telkom R&D Center-Bandung : International Journal of Business, Management & Social Sciences (IJBMSS) Vol. II, Issue 7 (I), March 2013

Ratih Stassia Wulandari, Yuliani Rachma Putri

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29 kali
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 18 A
Tel-U Purwokerto : Rak 8

The increasing of female employee has been an interesting phenomenon in many countries, including the development country. It happened in both qualitatively and quantitatively side. Meanwhile, in Indonesia the number of female worker is 47.139.551 (in 2011). The total has highly increased compared to the female worker number in 2010 (which only 44.645. 753 workers). The participation of female worker has increased to three million per year compared to male participation which only one million per year. (BPS, 2011 : 23}

Qualitatively, female workers are able to reach position used to be working male position on the past. Nowadays, female are president, ministries, and CEO. (Kussudyarna & Soepani, 2008 : 129).This is an interesting fact that female role on work can establish many consequences on their family life. It finally creates the balancing work issue between their job and family. There come many changes on society, family and the woman herself. Accardi ng to Cahyaningdyah (2009 : 11), economically, the working husband and wife (two-worker family) caused the increasing of family's and society's welfare. By those extra payments from both sides, they can face the inflation and other financial cases substantially. The double earning hoped to be able to afford all family needs, including children's education funds. However, the fact is that working women still sued to do their responsibilities as household manager. Professional woman, who has a similar high status with her husband, keeps dumping to the traditional role on taking care of children and other family responsibilities. It is different with male traditional thought that they just merely work and fulfill family financial. The same argument also said by Triaryati (2003:85}, "although work-family conflict has been known as female and male problem, but the issue will continue to be female worker responsibility. The differences caused by the traditional thought of women role in family to do the household task. Woman has more responsibility for their housework task than their husbands do. It makes family became the important domain on women's life, and work has been other important domain. This thing can cause the conflict between two domain roles. The role conflict between female work pressure toward her family time mentioned as work-family conflict (Cahyaningdyah : 2009, 11). Woman asked to balance the time for working and family. They are responsible on guiding family nicely, but on the other hand, they forced to fulfill the company performance standard. The company will be difficult to give a prolonged leave to female married workers. This condition can cause the dual role conflict. If it isn't handled seriously, there will cause serious effect on the way of achieving company's goal. One of this effect is the decreasing of employees performance (Anogoro on lndriyani, 2009: 5)

If it can't be handled well, this role conflict will create high cost for the company. The cost came from its ineffectiveness productivity of family pressure, or even from the employee turnover rate (Cahyaningdyah, 2009 : 11). Yunita also argued that (2011: 61), "when somebody experienced the work-family conflict, a fulfillment of other role will effect to other job performance fulfillment." Based on the previous explanation, the writers do a research on the female workers in TELKOM RDC, Bandung, a national company that sued all employees to work professional. It will definitely cause the effect on woman working performance and family time. It has been shown by the data of tardiness and absenteeism of female workers.

The research problems are: • How is the effect of work interfering with family (WIF} conflict to the job performance partially? How is the effect of family interfering with work (FIW) conflict to the job performance partially? How is the effect of work interfering with family (WIF) conflict and family interfering with•work (FIW) to the job performance simultaneously?




The Effect Of Work-Family Conflict To Female Employee Performance In Telkom R&D Center-Bandung : International Journal of Business, Management & Social Sciences (IJBMSS) Vol. II, Issue 7 (I), March 2013
10p.: pdf file.; 1590KB


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Ratih Stassia Wulandari, Yuliani Rachma Putri


Choice College of Arts & Commerce, Pune
Pune, India




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