Dr. Arvind Sathi is a Cognitive Scientist with IBM®'s CognitiveSolutions team. Dr. Sathi received his Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligencefrom Carnegie Mellon University and worked under Nobel Prize winner Dr.Herbert A. Simon. Dr. Sathi is a seasoned professional with more than 20 years of leadership in Information Management architecture anddelivery. He works with IBM clients worldwide to envision and architectcognitive solutions. Prior to joining IBM, Dr. Sathi was the pioneer in developing cognitive solutions at Carnegie Group. At KPMG, he led thedevelopment of Enterprise Integration, MDM, and Operations SupportSystems/Business Support Systems (OSS/BSS) solutions for thecommunications market and also developed cross-industry analyticssolutions, which were implemented in communications services, financialservices, and public services. At IBM, Dr. Sathi has led severalanalytics programs including MDM, data security, advanced analytics, big data and related areas and has provided architecture oversight to IBM's strategic accounts. He has also delivered a number of workshops andpresentations at industry conferences on technical subjects includingIM, Big Data & Advanced Analytics, and he holds two patents in data masking. He has published three books on analytics - CustomerExperience Analytics, Big Data Analytics , and Engaging Customers UsingBig Data and releasing his fourth book titled "Cognitive (Internet of)Things" in October 2016 . He has also been a contributing author in anumber of Data Governance books written by Sunil Soares, and haspublished a article series on Advanced Analytics for IBM DeveloperWorks.