By: Agung Nugroho Hutomo
NIM : 109300005
In April 2014, Indonesia will soon hold the election to determinate the next President. Unfortunately, people’s consciousness of the importance of election decreases. It is evident from the declining number of voters and growing number of people who don’t use their opportunity to vote.
Government build an organization called KPU to manage the election. KPU keep trying to stop the growing of the abstention number but the result still nihil. This year, KPU change their strategy of “face to face” socialization into “activity” socialization and their principal target is amateurs voters who don’t understand the importance of elections. In this changment, the utilization of an attractive interactive and informative media such as board game is extremely needed so that the amateur vteurs won’t feel bored and they could understand the importance of election for country development.
The design of election-themed board games that are informative manifested through entertaining aspects of visualization and interaction that occurs in the game. Visual aspect consists of illustration typography, and colours on the game board components that use characters, folder, action cards, and cards of destiny. Aspects of interaction include backstory, gameplay, and rules of the game. With the design of election-themed board game, the players which are the amateur voters are expected gaining more knowledge and understanding the meaning of election.
Keywords : game, board game, election, socialization.