This study aims to determine the Effects of Advertising Against Decision To Purchase Product Toyota car In Bandung conducted by PT Astra International Auto2000 Bandung. The problems of this research is how the perception of advertising CUB Toyota car in Bandung, how the purchasing decisions of consumers towards products Toyota car CUB in Bandung and how much advertising influence on purchase decisions for products CUB Toyota car in Bandung. In this study the authors use descriptive research methods and verifikatif. Population is taken from the population of the city of Bandung until the year 2012 with the provision that the buyer and user of Toyota car CUB in Bandung with over 17 years of age and have a driver's license. Sampling technique used was nonprobability sampling method using purposive sampling retrieval specifications. Data analysis tool used in this study is a linear regression analysis, the coefficient of determination, hypothesis testing using t test. Based on statistical calculations using SPSS v.19 variables that 18.2 % of purchase decisions are influenced by advertising and very low in the category, while the remaining 81.8 % variable purchase decision will be influenced by other factors not addressed in this study. The conclusion of the study is the effect of advertising on purchase decisions in Bandung has a positive and significant relationship.