Plasa Telkom should be competition with the competitors in business environment. In the services, Plasa Telkom Bekasi should make interest for consumer to increase the consumer purchase. Besides it, Plasa Telkom Bekasi also have to given satisfaction services until create positive response from coustomer about product and services speedy. The research take place in Plasa Telkom Bekasi, start from April – Mei 2013, the purposes for knowing about consumer response about dimension of product quality and dimension of services quality. In fact, many problem that happen in product quality and services like the less time for hanling complain, the product quality doesn’t like give a services like a promise, csr don’t ready for services a customer, and services procedure have no setting.
This method used fornonprobability sampling to show total of sample for research. The sample has 100 sample. The data collection using primer data. The method is descriptive and explanatory research survey. The measuring instruments in this research using questioner and interview. In the measurrement quality of product using some variable. There are performances, reliability, conformance, serviceability, durability, aesthetics, and reputation. Besides it, in the measurements quality of services using five variables . There are tangible, emphaty, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance. Technique analyze data using validity and reliability. The result of validity and reliability for the 18 instruments in questioner has valid and realiable. Method analyzed data using GAP analyzed, Importance Performance Analyzed, and SWOT analyzed.
The result of product quality based on IPA analyzed provide : 1)serviceability and reputation dimension showing dissatisfaction 2)performance, reliability and conformance showing the middle of satisfaction, 3)durability dimension showing the satisfaction, and 4) aesthetics dimension showing the over satisfaction. Besides it, the result of services quality provide : 1)tangible dimension showing the middle of satisfaction and 2)emphaty, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance are showing the satisfaction. The result of SWOT analyzed about product quality and services quality provide four strategy to create a satisfaction customer. There are defensive strategy, turnaround strategy, diversifaction strategy, and aggressive strategy.