Since The Reformation Era in 1998, the Indonesia media industry has rapidly developed untill now. But, this situation is not balanced yet by the serious attention from the media owners toward their employees especially the journalists. Instead of focusing on their prosperous, the media owners treat them as the unimportant part. It clearly shown from the journalists status as correspondents or contributors. Even many of them work as outsourcing status.
In remote areas, this situation could be worse. Most of the journalists work with non-official status, so that they are known as "tuyul". The work with no press ID at all. Some of them work underpaid, produce bad quality news and lack of journalistic ethic code understanding. At the end, this condition causes unstandard product to be consummed by the audiences. By observing the contributors and correspondents experiences, this paper describes the existency of contributors and correspondents as part of the dark side of Indonesian Mass Media
Key words: contributors, correspondents, mass media