This study entitled “The Effect of Television Program “Ini Talk Show NET TV” to the Behavior Changing of Teenagers in Bandung City with sub-head Survey on Students at BPI 1 Senior High School”. This study uses survey method with simple linear regression analysis techniques. This study was conducted to teenage students at SMA BPI 1 Bandung in which the number of population is 320 students with a total sample of 75 students based on simple random sampling. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect is there watching the program “Ini Talk Show NET TV” to change the attitude of young people in the city of Bandung. The hypothesis of this study is stated that there were positive and significant influence between watching the program “Ini Talk Show NET TV” on adolescent attitude changes Bandung. Based on the results of this research is that there is a significant influence in watching the program “Ini Talk Show NET TV” to changes in teen attitudes of Bandung, this is evidenced by simple linear regression equation is Y = 1:30 + 0.492X, t-test (10.39) is greater than t-table (1.99).