Nowadays, there are many cultural heritage of Indonesia that are threaten to extinct which caused by Indonesian young generation’s low interest on the said cultural heritage, such as batik Rifa’iyah. Batik Rifa’iyah is a kind of batik which its ornaments’ visualization is based on Syaikh Ahmad Rifa’i teachings, a National Hero of Republic of Indonesia as well as an ulama, whose Islam actions purely emphasized on madzhab Imam Syafi’i and ahlul sunnah wal jama’ah. As far as it is known, documentations discussing about batik Rifa’iyah are very limited, while Rifa’iyah people have started making new batik alternatives without preserving the uniqueness of batik Rifa’iyah’s motif, so that batik Rifa’iyah is threaten to extinct.