Humans are social creatures who are always trying to make ends meet, and cannot be separated from their role as consumers. Advertising is an important factor if it is associated with a product purchase decision. Advertising has the sole purpose to persuade and influence consumers in choosing a decision in buying a product that is offered through the visual rhetoric strategies as one way that is considered appropriate in persuasion. Axe advertisement Bedroom presents ideology of sexuality through visual rhetoric by exploiting the female body as a whole body full of sexuality. It is used as a selling tool to increase producer profits that are set in the media room. Manufacturer of Axe product with its powers and with the help of mass media display advertisement and put scented sex sexual become commodities sold. Data were collected by means of Axe advertisement sampling on youtube, and interviewing the makers of Axe advertisemen. The advertisement was analyzed using visual analysis. The result shows that there is sexuality ideology wrapped in Axe advertisement through the system of capitalism.