Understanding the concept of symbols visualization in Bali will be able to prevent the misuse of its primary function, because if not properly understood then it can lead to problems that have broad impact. However, another opinion said that it is a concept of paradox and hybridity, not an act of harassment against symbols. The intended hybridity is a term that refers to the creation of new transcultural forms. Hybridization is not only understood narrowly as in horticulture, but can occur in various forms, such as linguistics, culture, politics, race, and so on (Ashcroft, 2001:118). A paradox is a statement that seems contradictory (opposite) with public opinion or the truth but in fact contain elements of truth.
Effort in understanding the phenomenon of cultural ‘change’ is the result of a process of shifting, reduction and addition of the cultural system elements because of an adjustment in order to interact with the environment. Assumption of the phenomenon is the existence of a ‘creative concept’ outside ‘the context of the self’ in communicating a message visually through the role of a visual communication media. Understanding in interpretative manner a pattern of communication that has an identity, where the ‘value’ will be ‘read’ from the visual representation of a symbol, would be very useful for communicators in an effort to convey a message visually to the communicant.