Informasi Umum




338.7 - Business enterprises


Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference


Communication In Marketing


132 kali

Informasi Lainnya


<p>The data shows that in Indonesia there are 231.06 million people who are Muslim, meaning that it is equivalent to 86.7% of the total population in Indonesia who are Muslim. Seeing the large number of Indonesian people who are Muslim, marketing halal products in Indonesia is a big opportunity for companies. With the presence of the Inglot brand in Indonesia, which is also known as O2M Breathable Nail Enamel nail polish, which is declared safe for nail health and also has Halal certification from The Muslim League of Poland. In determining something, for Muslims, of course, it must be based on established rules. Therefore, finding the right model to describe the variables that influence consumers in making purchasing decisions for halal products is important.</p>

<p>This study aims to determine the influence of E-WOM variables (Information Quality, Information Quantity, Information Credibility), Brand Image, Halal Product Image, Purchase Intention and Purchase Decision of customers for Inglot nail polish as a halal product. The findings in this research are expected to assist Inglot in improving its marketing strategy with E-WOM and Brand Image.</p>

<p>In this study, data was collected from 305 respondents by filling out a Google Form questionnaire with several criteria, such as Inglot users in Indonesia, using halal products, know or have seen Inglot products, following or not following Inglot products. To process the data, the method used is PLS-SEM with SmartPLS.</p>

<p>It was found that E-WOM (Information Quality, Information Quantity, Information Credibility) and Brand Image had a positive and significant effect on Purchase Decisions through Halal Product Image and Purchase Intention. The most influencing variable is Brand Image because it has a path coefficient value of 0.150, followed by Information Credibility 0.081, Information Quantity 0.079, and Information Quality 0.056.</p>

<p>There are suggestions in this study that can be addressed to further researchers. Future research can use this research as a supporting reference if the topics used are related to e-WOM variables (Information Quality, Information Quantity, Information Credibility), Brand Image, Halal Product Image, Purchase Intention and Purchase Decision with different objects.</p>

<p><b>Keywords:</b> E-WOM, Brand Image, Halal Product Image, Purchase Intention, Purchase Decision</p>

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Penyunting Indrawati


Nama Universitas Telkom, S1 International ICT Business
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2023


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
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Jenis Non-Sirkulasi