Informasi Umum




006.7 - Web Design


Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference


Web Application, Web Development,


8 kali

Informasi Lainnya


Starting from the author's interviews with seven people who work as photographers and videographers in Bandung City, where they have the same problem, namely marketing their services and works. Those who work independently or freelance find it challenging to market their work and services because they only rely on social media such as Instagram, Line, and Twitter. Their marketing through social media has not been effective because their services and work are known only to their followers on their social media. However, photographers and videographers who work in photo studios must compete with fellow photographers and videographers so that their services and work can be displayed in the photo studio or marketed through social media and the photo studio's website. Previously, there was a startup in Bandung that tried to market photography and videography services. However, this has not solved the marketing problems experienced by photographers and videographers in Bandung because marketing at startup is always focused on photo studio collaboration, which only markets the photo studio's flagship work. From the data obtained, the authors and the team in this study will create a web-based application called "Roll", the authors and the team hope to solve the problem of marketing services and the work of photographers in the city of Bandung.

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Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting Faishal Mufied Al-Anshary, Margareta Hardiyanti


Nama Universitas Telkom, S1 Sistem Informasi (Internationa Class)
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2022


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
Denda harian IDR 0,00
Jenis Non-Sirkulasi