Analisis QoS Skema Penanganan Recovery G-MFBG pada Jaringan High Speed

Yoseph Adryanto

Informasi Dasar

89 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Preplanned Recovery merupakan salah satu algoritma yang digunakan untuk menangani permasalahan recovery pada jaringan computer berbasis high speed apabila terjadi link failure atau pun node failure. Preplanned Recovery memiliki dua buah algoritma penanganan yang dikenal khususnya pada jaringan computer berbasiskan high speed yaitu MFBG dan G-MFBG. Algoritma MFBG dan G-MFBG merupakan algoritma yang mirip satu sama lain, terdapat perbedaan pada mekanisme pencarian Blue Tree dan Red Treenya masing-masing. Algoritma G-MFBG dapat dioptimalisasi untuk mendapatkan Blue Tree dan Red Tree yang lebih baik QoS nya dibandingkan dengan MFBG.

Pada jaringan high speed, faktor QoS merupakan factor penting yang harus diperhatikan karena pengiriman paket data berlangsung dengan kecepatan yang tinggi sehingga, delay sekecil apapun dapat berdampak buruk dalam penerimaan paket data di sisi penerimanya. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut maka penerapan Algoritma Penanganan Recovery G-MFBG dapat membantu dalam menghasilkan Blue Tree dan Red Tree dengan QoS yang baik pada jaringan.

Performansi Quality of Service yang dianalisis meliputi faktor-faktor yaitu average delay, bandwith, dan total cost dari Blue Tree dan Red Tree . Analisa performansi dilakukan pada simulasi jaringan sederhana dengan bantuan java programming language.

Berdasarkan hasil simulasi, algoritma G-MFBG mampu mengenerate Blue Tree dan Red Tree yang lebih baik dilihat dari sisi pertimbangan average delay., total cost, bandwith dan running time dalam dibandingkan dengan algoritma penanganan recovery MFBG.

Kata Kunci : Preplanned recovery Schemes, QoS, , delay, bandwith, cost, MFBG, G-MFBG, High Speed Network.ABSTRACT: Preplanned Recovery is one of algorithm that used to solve the recovery problems in high speed computer network if link failure or node failure occurred. Preplanned Recovery has two types algorithm who knew well in high speed computer network that is MFBG dan G-MFBG. MFBG Algorithm and G-MFBG Algorithm are looked same one each other, but there are the different between two this algorithm while searching mechanism for Blue Tree and Red Tree each others. G-MFBG algorithm can be optimalized to find Blue Tree and Red Tree which is have better QoS than the MFBG have.

On High Speed Network, QoS factor is the important thing that must be watched because the data packet sending held in high speed in fact, the delay as small as anything can fact a bad side in receiver the data packet. To solve the problem, we can apllied the G-MFBG algorithm to generate better Blue Tree and Red Tree with better QoS than the MFBG was in network.

The Perfomance of quality of service that analyzed include some factors, that are average delay, badwith, total cost, and running time of Blue Tree and Red tree generated by the algorithm. The performance analysis held in simple network simulation with java programming language.

From the result of the simulation, the G-MFBG algorithm gives better Red Tree and Blue Tree for recovery problems than the MFBG algorithm looked from the average delay side, total cost, bandwith and also the running time algoritm.

Keyword: Preplanned Recovery Schemes, QoS, delay, bandwith, cost, MFBG, G-MFBG, High Speed Network.


Sistem Komputer dan Jaringan Komputer


Analisis QoS Skema Penanganan Recovery G-MFBG pada Jaringan High Speed


Rp. 0
Rp. 0


Yoseph Adryanto
Niken Dwi Cahyani, Setyorini


Universitas Telkom




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