Background: Environmental damage caused by waste is happening everywhere and has an impact on the
decline in the quality of life of the community. The environment such as rivers, the sea, forests, lakes and
beaches has begun to be polluted and requires serious attention by all parties including the government,
community and businesses. Ecopreneur as a business actor plays a role to maintain aspects of environmental
sustainability in its business activities, PT Greeneration Indonesia as the example. PT Greeneration Indonesia
is a social company that was founded in 2005 and has a business focus on the environment.
Materials and Methods: This study aims to analyze the ecopreneur motivation and commitment factors in
realizing environmental sustainability using qualitative methods by describing the empirical reality behind the
phenomenon. This research will be conducted with interviews and semi-structural observations on ecopreneur
actors in PT Greeneration Indonesia.
Results: The results of this study found that the motivational factors owned by Dicky Ahmad as an ecopreneur
at PT Greeneration Indonesia were green values, gaps in the market, make a living, and passion.This study also
found that commitment dimensions owned by Dicky Ahmad are Affective Environmental Commitment.
Conclusion:The motivation possessed by ecopreneurs at PT Greeneration Indonesia comes from the desire to
spread green values, market opportunities based on environmental awareness, the desire to meet basic needs, as
well as the passion for environmental issues so as to form the dimension of normative environmental
commitment based on the "desire" to care on the environment.
Key Word:Ecopreneur,