The purpose of this book is to provide a modern and comprehensive
introduction to the subject of discrete structures and Automata theory.
Discrete structures, also called discrete mathematics, are an exciting and
active subject, particularly due to its extreme relevance to both mathematics
and to computer science and algorithms. The subject forms a common
foundation for rigorous mathematical, logical reasoning and proofs, as well
as a formal introduction to abstract objects that are essential tools in an
assortment of applications and effective computer implementations.
Computing skills are now an integral part of almost scientific fields, and
students are very enthusiastic about being able to harness the full computing
power of these tools. Further, this book also deep dive into the automata
theory with various examples that illustrate the basic concepts and is
substantiated with various diagrams. While dealing with the concept of
various theorems and algorithms, it basically focuses on constructions.
Every construction is immediately followed by suitable illustrations. The
vital feature of the book that it contains the practical implementation of
Automata Machine example through the JFLAP Tool. Courses in discrete
structures and Automata Theory are offered at most all universities and in
an increasingly large portion of community colleges as well and are
required by both math and computer science programs.