Social Networks Within Sales Organizations: Their Development and Importance for Salesperson Performance
Willy Bolander, Cinthia B. Satornino, Douglas E. Hughes, and Gerald R. Ferris
Most sales training efforts are focused on external customer interactions and relationships, but this research shows that building powerful internal social networks can also significantly enhance sales performance.?
Engaging Customers in Coproduction Processes: How Value-Enhancing and Intensity-Reducing Communication Strategies Mitigate the Negative Effects of Coproduction Intensity
Till Haumann, Pascal Güntürkün, Laura Marie Schons, and Jan Wieseke
The study offers a better understanding of the negative effects of coproduction intensity and new insights into how firms can effectively mitigate these effects by employing value-enhancing and intensity-reducing communication strategies.
The Impact of Dynamic Presentation Format on Consumer Preferences for Hedonic Products and Services
Anne L. Roggeveen, Dhruv Grewal, Claudia Townsend, and R. Krishna
When products or services are presented in video rather than still images, consumers tend to prefer (and more highly value) hedonic options (i.e., options that are more about fun and less about functionality).
Harmful Upward Line Extensions: Can the Launch of Premium Products Result in Competitive Disadvantages?
Fabio Caldieraro, Ling-Jing Kao, and Marcus Cunha Jr.
Upward line extensions aimed at matching a competing product’s attributes may lead consumers to reassess their perceptions of the brand and the attributes of products in the market, resulting in a loss of market share and profit for the extending firm.
Innovation Sequences over Iterated Offerings: A Relative Innovation, Comfort, and Stimulation Framework of Consumer Responses
Timothy B. Heath, Subimal Chatterjee, Suman Basuroy, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, and Bruno Kocher
For iterated products (e.g., games, cars, films, etc.), carefully sequencing major and minor innovations improves success.
How Kinetic Property Shapes Novelty Perceptions
Junghan Kim and Arun Lakshmanan
The paper identifies a specific property of animation -- kinetic property (trajectory changes in motion-paths of visual elements) -- which, under certain conditions, enhances consumer judgments of product novelty.