Challenges in Interpersonal, Intercultural and Technology Aspect in Doctor and Patient Relationship : Proceeding International Conference on Transformation in Communication (ICOTIC) November 2015

Mediana Handayani

Informasi Dasar

62 kali
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 6b
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 7a
Tel-U Purwokerto : Rak 4

Primary care was the main function of primary health care, and towards this goal, doctor-patient relationship was important for the health prevention and promotion component. Effective communication is essential for delivering quality patient care and building patient-doctor relationships with compassions and shared respect. Effective doctor-patient communication is the heart of medicine. This is important in the delivery of high-quality health care. Though communication between doctor and patient is complicated but it is a window of understanding the patient’s perspective on the impact of illness. Through good interpersonal communication patient can make their doctor understand how to understand patient feeling about the treatment they want. Through good interpersonal communication doctor can educate patients about their care, including disease evaluation, diagnosis, and prognosis. Unfortunately, this sometimes sacrificed with the intrusion of business into the patient-doctor relationship, the pressures of limited time to office visits, and the sometimes all-consuming focus on technology. The using of technology can be very helpful for doctor and also patient. But technology need to be used carefully. Patient can be very defensive and make the doctor failed in doing his/her job because patient highly believe in medical information that he/she get from internet. Another barrier to achieve effective communication between doctor and patient in Indonesia is hierarchical social culture. In this type of culture, doctor and patient practice one-way communication style. The current situation satisfies neither doctors nor patients. So, we can see that there are challenges related to interpersonal communication, intercultural communication and communication technology in doctor and patient interaction. Through this article I want to offer a recommendation from communication science perspective about what the doctor and patient can do about their communication skill, especially in interpersonal communication, intercultural communication, and the use of technology in communication.




Challenges in Interpersonal, Intercultural and Technology Aspect in Doctor and Patient Relationship : Proceeding International Conference on Transformation in Communication (ICOTIC) November 2015
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Mediana Handayani


Universitas Telkom, FKB




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