Tahun Terbit Katalog
Analisa Program Televisi Bandung Weekly Di Bandung TV
Freddy Yusanto -
Annurudha si mata dewa
Cases in Small Business
William M. Hoad -
Customer Service Skill for Success, 7/E.
Robert W Lucas -
Daily Conversation : Living English 17-20
Emperor Edutainment -
Daily Coversation Living English Episode 5 s/d 8
Video Unggul -
Diktat Senirupa - cet.1
Villa Merah -
Discovering Physical Anthropology
Clark Spencer Larsen -
Education and The Barricades
Charles Frankel -
Fundamentals of operations research
L Russell ACKOFF -
Garuda Media
Garuda Media -
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself (with bonus article "How Will You Measure Your Life?")
Harvard Business Review, Peter Ferdinand Drucker, Clayton M. Christensen, Daniel Goleman -
Information theory & reliable communication
Introductory calculus
Wayne A. Roberts -
Jatuh Bangun Pengusaha Sukses Dunia
Anki Novairi -
Manajemen Operasi dan Rantai Pasokan, Buku 2 -14/E.
F. Roberts Jacobs, Richard B. Chase -
Matrix theory
Modern Competitive Strategy : International Edition
Gordon Walker -
Modul Praktikum Multimedia Embedded System
Laboratarium Multimedia Design -
Personal Branding: Membangun Citra Diri Yang Cemerlang
Amalia E. Maulana -
Prinsip-prinsip perumusan kebijaksanaan negara
M. Irfan ISLAMI -
Television & New Media : Volume 19, Number 4, May 2018
Bank Indonesia -
The 360 Leader: Mengembangkan Pengaruh Anda dari Posisi Mana pun dalam Organisasi
John C. Maxwell -
The accounting sample - 4/E.
Harvey S. Hendrickson -
The Dehumanization of Art
Jose Ortega Y Gasset