Tahun Terbit Katalog
30 years in pictures 1960-1990
Steve Gelman
70 Langkah strategik bagi eksekutif: bacaan wajib setiap eksekutif
Richard S Sloma
A grue of ice
Geofrey JENKIN
A-history of the modern world
R.R Palmer
Achieving excellence
John Tschohl
Activity based cost maangement: an executives guide
Gary Cokins
An Introduction to Financial Management
Erza solomon
Asian branding: a grgeat way to fly
Ian Batey
Building high perfomance teams: membangun tim berkinerja tinggi bagaiman mengelola tim untuk tugas jangka pendek pemanfaatan timyang cepat proyek-proyek khusus
Sandy Pokras
Buku penuntun membuat tesis, skripsi, desertasi, makalah
S Nasution
Buku pintar pariwisata nusantara
Edi Sigar
Business file processing! cobol, CICS and SQL
James Bradley
Business forecasting: with accompanying excel-based farcastx tm software
J Holton Wilson
Business government, and society: a managerial perspective-10/E
George A Steiner
Business Mystat : Statistical Applications Dos Edition
Jeffrey W. Steagall
Business to business marketing management
Frank G Bingham
Business: contemporary concepts and practices
John H Jackson
Chadwick, Inc. : the balanced scorecard
Communication for IT
Corel Draw! Draw It! Chart It! Paint It! Show It! : Users Guide
Corporate creativity
Pradip N Khandwalla
Corporate Financial Analisys -3/E
Diana R. Harrington
Corporate information strategy and management
Lynda M. Applegate
Creative Impulse in Industry A Proportion for Educators
Helen Marot
Dasar-dasar organisasi
Datavision (B)
Gregory ROGERS
Dillards department stores
Gwendolyn, ORTMEYER & SALMON, Walter J.
Drawing Animals With Victor Ambrus
Victor Ambrus
Driving value using activity - based budgeting
James A., Antos John Brismon
e-Business essentials
Frank J Derfier
Harry Levinson
Entrepreneurs guide to preparing a winning business plan and raising venture capital
W. Keith Schilitss plan and raising venture capital
Eqiuty valuation and analysis with eval
Russell Lundholm
Federal Regulation of Personnel and Human Resource Management
James Ledvinka
Field guide to current training videos.
Laura Winig ; William Ellet.
Financial and Strategic Management for Nonprofit Organ-ization
Harrington J. Bryce
Financial Basics For Small Business Success
James . O Giil
Financial Econometrics: Problem, Models, and Methods
I. Christian Gourieroux II. Jasiac
Financial times: mastering risk vol.1
James Pickford
Getting strarted in options
Michael C Thomsett
Globalization and ngos: transforming business, government, and society
Jonathan P Doh
Glosarium prentice hall: menajemen & pemasaran
Benyamin Molan
Guide to management ideas
Tim Hindle
High performers : recruiting & retaining top employees
Alan J Dubinsky
Hoe to motivate every employee: 24 poin penting seputar peningkatan produktivitas di tempat kerja
Anne Bruce
Hospitality and travel marketing
Alastair M Morrison
Hotel Management and Operations -3/E
Denney G Rutherford
House arrest and correctional policy: doing time at home studies in crime, law and justice
Richard A Ball
How to Write a Winning Business Plan
Joseph R. Mancuso
Human Performance Improvement
William J Rothwell
Human Relations and Your Career: a Guide to Interpersonal Skills - 2/E.
David W Johnson
Human Resource Strategy
James W. Walker
Idealised business process model
Chorleywood Consulting
Improve your Business
D. E. N. Dickson
Innovation: Creativity techniques for hospitality managers
Dennis H. Ferguson
Intelligent networks
Jan Thorner
International financial management -3/E
Bruce G.; Cheol S. Eun Resnick
Jagalah hati
Abdullah Gymnastiar
Kaisha, The Japanese Corporation
George Stalk, Jr.
Key Accounts Management: A Complete Action Kit Of
Peter Cheverton
Leadership: enhancing the lessons of experience - 4/E.
Gordon J. Curphy
Management in a quality environment
David Griffiths
Management strategy
Daniel F Spulber
Manajemen penyelenggaraan Hotel
Agus Sulastiyono
Manajemen strategi dan kebijaksanaan bisnis ed.1
R.A Supriyono
Manajemen strategis : public relation
Yosal Iriantara
Marketing across culture
Jean Claude Usunier
Marketing Hospitality-3/E
Cathy H.C Hsu
Marketing leadership in hospitality: foundation and practices.
Robert C Lewis
Measuring customer satisfaction: teknik mengukur dan strategi meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan plus analisis kasus PLN-JP
Freddy Rangkuti
Menulis artikel dan tajuk rencana : panduan praktis penulis & jurnalis profesional
As haris Sumadiria
Microsoft Excel : Tools Quick Reference
Business Review Harvard
Motorola and Japan (A): supplement
Note on financial forecasting
Organizational Behaviour and Performance- 3/E
Marc J. Wallace Jr.
Organizational behaviour in Hotels and restaurant
Yvonne Guerrier
Otonomi Bahasa : 7 Strategi Tulis Pragmatik Bagi Praktisi Bisnis dan Mahasiswa
I wahyu Wibowo
Panduan lengkap SPSS 6.0 for windows
Komputer Wahana
Paul Cronan and New England telehone company (A)
Pedoman membeli dan mengelola franchise
Joseph Mancuso
Pengantar ilmu ekonomi: buku panduan mahasiswa
Carla Poli
Peran imajinasi dalam meraih keberhasilan
Napoleon Hill
Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 42 tentang badan pelaksana kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi
Umbara Citra
Perekonomian Indonesia: Tantangan dan Harapan bagi Kebangkitan Indonesia
Faisal H Basri
Perilaku konsumen & komunkasi pemasaran
Perilaku konsumen: konsep dan implikasi untuk strategi dan penelitian pemasaran
Nugroho J Setiadi
Permission marketing: turning strengers into friends, and friends into customers
Seth Godin
Portfolio construction, management and protection
Robert A Strong
Prinsip-prinsip total quality service
Fandy Tjiptono
Profesional writing: A Short in weraiting for work
Barry Baddock
Profit focused supplier management
Pirkko Ostring
Programme management demystiefied managing multiple projects successully
New York
Refleksi manajemen qolbu
Abdullah Gymnastiar
Reksa dana: solusi perencanaan investasi di era modern
Eko Priyo Pratomo
Rich dad, poor dad
Robert T Kiyosaki
Risk management
Robert Tampubolon
Romancing the customer: maximizing brand value through powerful relationship management
Martin Trott
Sales and Marketing : For The Professional
Dennis L. Foster
Sematech (IBM corporatin: the purpose and accomplisment of sematech)
Harvard Business School
Seri Manajemen Usaha Jasa Sarana Pariwisata dan Akomodasi: Manajemen Penyelenggaraan Hotel
Agus Sulastiyono
Shifting gear: mastering career change
Carole Hyatt
Simplicity wins : How Germanys mid-sized industrial companies succed.
Gunnter Rommel ; Juergen Kluge.
Soul-Beating: Art Journal Vol.69 No.4 2010
David Reed
Strategi menaklukkan pasar: melalui riset ekuitas dan perilaku merek
Darmadi Durianto
Strategic management in the knowledge economy : new approaches and business applications -2/E
Marius Leibold
Strategic market relationship: from strategy to implementation
Bill Donalson
Structured assembler language for IBM computers
Alton B. Kindred
Succesful product development: speeding from opportunity to profit
Milton D. Jr Rosenau
Sukses melalui kerjasama tim= succes through teamwork
Richard Y. Chang
Tantangan dan Peluang 1993
NOER DELIAR Abriyanto. m
Technology transfer in international business.
Tamir Agnon ; Nany Ann Von Glirow.
The 17 essential qualities of a team player
John C Maxwell
The 7 Habits of highly effective people
Stephen R. Covey
The Achievement challenge : how to be a 10 in business
Jeffrey P. Davidson
The business of travel : agency operations and administration
Dennis L Foster
The fall of advertising & the rise of PR
Al Ries
The financial times guide to startegy how to create an ddeliver a useful strategy
Richard Koch
The geographical analysis of population: with applications to planning and business
Peter A. Rogerson
The knowledge link: how firms compete through strategic alliances
Joseph L Badaracco
The one minute manager: cara tercepat meningkatkan produktivitas dan kemakmuran anda = The one minute manager
Kenneth Blanchard
The power of team building: using ropes techniques
Harrison Snow
The Prose Reader
Kim Flachmann
The roaring nineties
Joseph Stiglitz
The world is flat : a brief history of the twenty-first century
Thomas L Friedman
Turbo Pascal; an introduction to modern programming
Lanny Joel Goldstein
Understanding Applied Strategic Planning : A Managers Guide
Timothy M. Nolan
Using economic indicators to improve investment analysis
Evelina M Tainer
Video forum: Educational in the information age
International Engineering Consortium Committee
Video Forum: Life on The Information Superhighway
International Engineering Consortium Committee
Video forum: Techneeds 2000
International Engineering Consortium Committee
VideoForum: life on the information superhighway
International ENgineering Consortium Committee
World telecommunuication development volume II: Reference documents
International telecommunication unio