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384.068 - 384.068


Karya Ilmiah - Thesis (S2) - Reference


Manajemen Telekomunikasi


6 kali

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ABSTRAKSI: Tantangan penyediaan jaringan komunikasi nirkabel yang handal dengan kapasitas sistem yang tinggi tidak terlepas dari biaya investasi yang tinggi. Pemanfaatan resource spectrum secara efisien yang semaksimal mungkin merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi biaya investasi yang tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu melakukan kajian analisis secara kapasitas mengenai optimasi jaringan 2G/3G eksisting maupun jaringan LTE dengan teknik Joint Base Station (JBS) dengan memanfaatkan resource spectrum secara efisien dan sesuai dengan tingkat prosentase pertumbuhan pelanggan nirkabel layanan voice dan data (2012-2017) pada salah satu operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Metode kajian penelitian adalah melakukan implementasi teknik Joint Base Station (JBS) dengan empat skenario implementasi, yaitu 2G/3G Collocation, 2G/3G/LTE Collocation, 3G/LTE Collocation, dan LTE (JBS).<br><br>Pada tesis ini dianalisa secara ekonomi terhadap implementasi teknik Joint Base Station (JBS) pada jaringan existing salah satu operator 2G/3G maupun jaringan baru LTE (salah satu operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia). Model analisa yang digunakan berdasarkan prinsip tekno ekonomi dengan menggunakan Capacity and Coverage Estimation Analysis untuk menentukan perancangan teknik Joint Base Station (JBS) dan metoda Replacement Analysis untuk menganalisa secara ekonomi dan mengukur kelayakan biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk implementasi teknik Joint Base Station (JBS) tersebut.<br><br>Kesimpulan dari penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu teknik Joint Base Station (JBS) merupakan salah satu solusi bagi operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia dalam melakukan optimasi kapasitas jaringan nirkabel eksisting (2G dan 3G) dan jaringan baru (LTE) yang handal, dalam implementasi teknik Joint Base Station (JBS), dapat direkomendasikan skenario implementasi LTE (JBS) yang menghasilkan kapasitas jaringan yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan tiga scenario implementasi yang lain nya (2G/3G Collocation, 2G/3G/LTE Collocation, 3G/LTE Collocation).Kata Kunci : Komunikasi nirkabel, Joint Base Station, Resource spectrum, 2G/3G Collocation, 2G/3G/LTE Collocation, 3G/LTE Collocation, LTE (JBS), Replacement Analysis, Capacity and Coverage Estimation AnalysisABSTRACT: The challenge of providing reliable wireless communication networks with high system capacity can not be separated from the high investment costs. The efficient utilization of spectrum resources are as much as possible is one solution to overcome the high investment costs. The purpose of the research done by conducting a capacity analysis study of the optimization of existing 2G/3G networks and LTE networks by engineering the Joint Base Station (JBS) by making use of spectrum resources efficiently and in accordance with percentage subscriber growth rate of wireless voice and data services (2012 - 2017) on one of the telecommunication operators in Indonesia. The method of study is to conduct technical implementation Joint Base Station (JBS) with four scenarios of implementation, ie 2G/3G Collocation, 2G/3G/LTE Collocation, 3G/LTE Collocation, and LTE (JBS).<br><br>In this tesis will be analyzed in the economy of the implementation techniques Joint Base Station (JBS) in one of the 2G/3G existing networks and new LTE network operators (one of the telecommunication operators in Indonesia). Analysis model is used based on the principle of economic technocrats using Capacity and Coverage Estimation Analysis to determine the engineering design of the Joint Base Station (JBS) and Replacement Analysis method to analyze the economic feasibility and measure the costs incurred for the implementation of the technique Joint Base Station (JBS).<br><br>The conclusions of the technical research conducted Joint Base Station (JBS) is one solution for telecom operators in Indonesia in the optimization of existing capacity of wireless networks (2G and 3G) and new networks (LTE) that are reliable, the Joint Base Station implementation techniques ( JBS), can be recommended scenario implementation LTE (JBS), which produces larger network capacity than the other three scenarios of its implementation (2G/3G Collocation, 2G/3G/LTE Collocation, 3G/LTE Collocation).Keyword: Wireless Communication, Joint Base Station (JBS), Resource spectrum, 2G/3G Collocation, 2G/3G/LTE Collocation, 3G/LTE Collocation, LTE (JBS), Replacement Analysis, Capacity and Coverage Estimation Analysis

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Nama Doan Perdana
Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting A. Ali Muayyadi, Nachwan Mufti


Nama Universitas Telkom
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2012


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