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629.8 - Automatic control engineering


Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference



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ABSTRAKSI: PT. XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan jasa transportasi. Perusahaan ini bergerak dibidang jasa angkutan transportasi travel. PT. XYZ yang pertama kali memperkenalkan layanan “Point to point (shuttle)” pada saat jalan tol Cipularang dibuka dalam bulan Mei 2005. Setelah 8 tahun berdiri, PT. XYZ pada saat ini memiliki point keberangkatan 15 di Jakarta dan 7 di Bandung, dan terus berkembang dan selalu berusaha memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik bagi pelanggannya.<br>Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk melakukan maintenance sering melebihi biaya yang dianggarkan oleh PT. XYZ. Hal ini dapat disebabkan karena perencanaan kebijakan perawatan yang kurang baik dan kurang tepat. PT. XYZ juga menetapkan besarnya anggaran hanya berdasarkan data biaya pada tahun sebelumnya. Kendaraan travel PT. XYZ juga sering mengalami kendala dalam masalah efektivitas kerja mesin dengan melihat kendaraan yang kadangkala mengalami kerusakan tidak terduga pada saat dibutuhkan untuk beroperasi.<br>Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perhitungan Life Cycle Cost dan Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Hasilnya adalah didapatkan jumlah repair channelyang optimal adalah pada M = 3 dengan retirement age n = 4 tahun dengan life cycle cost yang paling minimal yaitu sebesar Rp 16.141.659.930. selisih Life Cycle Cost eksisting dan usulan sebesar Rp 6.401.791.833.<br>Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran efektifitas kendaraan travel menggunakan metode OEE diperoleh nilai availability93,67%, performance rate 80,10%, dan rate of quality 99,97% sehingga keseluruhan nilai OEE untuk kendaraan travel adalah sebesar 75,01%. Nilai tersebut masih di bawah standar JIPM yaitu sebesar 85%. Melalui losses yang diperoleh dari perhitungan OEE, six big losses yang terjadi pada mesin/equipment diantaranya adalah equipment failure, setup and adjustment, idling and minor stoppages, reduced speed, rework losses, dan yield/scrap losses. Faktor utama penyebab rendahnya nilai OEE adalah reduced speed.KATA KUNCI: Life Cycle Cost , Overall Equipment EffectivenessABSTRACT: PT. XYZ is a transportation services company. The company is engaged in freight travel transportation services. PT. XYZ who first introduced the service "Point to point (shuttle)" at the time Cipularang toll road opened in May 2005. After 8 years of existence, PT. XYZ currently has a departure point 15 in Jakarta and 7 in Bandung, and continues to grow and is always trying to provide the best service for its customers.<br>The costs incurred to perform maintenance frequently exceed the budgeted costs by PT. XYZ. It can be caused due to poor planning and less precisemaintenance policy. PT. XYZ also set a budget amount based solely on cost data in the previous year. Travel vehicle in PT. XYZ also often experience problems in machine effectiveness with vehicles sometimes see unexpected damage when it needs to operate.<br>This research perform the calculation of Life Cycle Cost and Overall Equipment Effectiveness. The result is obtained that the optimal number of repair channels is at M = 3 with retirement age at n = 4 and the most minimal amount of life cycle costis Rp 16,141,659,930. Life Cycle Cost difference between the existing and proposed is Rp 6,401,791,833.<br>Based on the results of measurements effectiveness of travel vehicle using OEE availability values obtained 93.67%, performance rate 80,10% and rate of quality 99.97% so the overall value of the OEE for a travel vehicle amounted to 75.01%. This value is still below the standard of JIPM that is equal to 85%. Through losses obtained from the calculation of OEE, six big losses that occur in the machine/equipment include equipment failure, setup and adjustment, idling and minor stoppages, reduced speed, rework losses, and yield / scrap losses. The main factor causing the low value of OEE is reduced speed.KEYWORD: Life Cycle Cost , Overall Equipment Effectiveness

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Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting Sutrisno , Amelia Kurniawati


Nama Universitas Telkom
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2014


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
Denda harian IDR 0,00
Jenis Non-Sirkulasi