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Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference


Transmisi Telkom


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ABSTRAKSI: Drop data call merupakan proses pemutusan kanal trafik oleh Mobile Station (MS) ataupun Base Transc eiver Station (BTS) yang disebabkan oleh faktor transmisi atau jaringan trafik dan hal tersebut tidak dikehendaki oleh pelanggan. Drop data call terjadi ketika MS sudah terlayani oleh BTS tertentu, namun tiba - tiba hubungan terputus sehingga dapat menggangg u proses komunikasi pengguna. Tentunya drop data call harus dihindari dengan menjaga kualitas performansi jaringan agar kepercayaan konsumen tetap terjaga<br><br>Pada tugas akhir ini, dianalisis metode pencarian penyebab terjadinya drop data call pada jaringan CD MA 2000 - 1x EV - DO Rev. A milik PT Smartfren. Daerah penelitian yang dianalisis ialah BDG Cluster 5 yang terletak di Jawa Barat khususnya daerah Tasikmalaya dan Garut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara pengumpulan data performansi existing baik dari OMC Stat istic serta hasil pengukuran kinerja dengan cara drive test . Parameter yang diperhitungkan untuk analisis ialah Rx Power , Ec/Io, Tx Power , TxAdj , Neighbor List , elevasi antenna dan azimuth antena site serta geografis daerah<br><br>Dari penelitian ini didapatka n kasus drop data call sebanyak 102 kasus dari total panggilan sebanyak 1442 calls , dengan klasifikasi penyebab sebagai berikut : 24.51 % coverage problem , 16.67% overshooting , 15.697% dominance problem , 12.74% handoff failure , 10.78% edge cell problem , 3 .92% uplink interference , 2.94% downlink interference , 0.98% pilot pollution dan 11.76% termasuk ke dalam unclassified problem . Rekomendasi umum diberikan kepada lima penyebab terbanyak, untuk permasalahan coverage ialah penambahan repeater , untuk masalah overshooting dapat dilakukan tilting untuk beberapa antena site , untuk masalah dominance problem dapat dilakukan tilting atau pengarahan azimuth antena site , untuk kasus handoff failure agar dilakukan peninjauan kembali terkait parameter handover . Untuk e d ge cell problem dapat ditangani deng an pengarahan azimuth dari ante na PN . Dengan pengatasan kelima masalah tersebut, didapatkan dari hasil perhitungan CDR ( Connection Drop Rate) sebesar 1.387% (dari nilai awal 7.07%), dan nilai tersebut sesuai dengan KPI m ilik operator smartfren yang bernilai kurang dari 2%Kata Kunci : Drop Call, Drop Data Call, Packet D ata, CDMA 2000 - 1x EV - DO Rev.AABSTRACT: Drop data call is process of traffic channel termination either from Mobile Station (MS) or Base Transceiver Statio n (BTS) caused by transmission or traffic network factor, which not desired by consumer. Drop data call occur when MS already served by BTS, but suddenly it dropped and affect process of communication. Drop data call must be avoided to perform good network performance for achieved customer satisfication<br><br>This Final Assignment analyze the method of finding occurrence drop data call in CDMA 2000 - 1x EV - DO Rev. A network which owned by PT. Smartfren Telecom. The Area of this research is BDG Cluster 5, West Java, focusing in Tasikmalaya and Garut. Research done by collect existing data from OMC statistic and measurement radio check with drive test method. Parameter are taken into count Rx Power, Ec/Io, Tx Power, TxAdj, Neighbor List, Antenna elevation, antenna az imuth and area geographic.<br><br>From this research, there is 102 drop data call cases has been found with total call count is 1442 count. With a classification : 24.51% caused by coverage problem, 16.67% caused by overshooting, 15.69% caused by dominance proble m, 12.74% caused by handoff failure, 10.78% caused by edge cell problem, 3.92% caused by uplink interference, 2.94% caused by downlink interference, 0.98% caused by pilot pollution, and 11.76% is unclassified. Recommendation is given for five largest cause s. For coverage problem is consider to add some repeater, for overshooting problem may do some tilting for antennas, for dominance problem consider to adjust azimuth for some antenna, and for handoff failure do further research about handoff parameter to f ind the specific problem. For edge cell problem, suggest to adjust azimuth of site’s antenna to focus on drop area. With those five problems recovered, it has improved CDR (Connection Drop Rate) from 7.07% into 1.387% which is below than 2% (Smartfren’s KP I)Keyword: Drop Call, Drop Data Call, Packet Data, CDMA 2000 - 1x EV - DO Rev. A

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Nama Annisa Sarah
Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting Uke Kurniawan Usman, Ishak Ginting


Nama Universitas Telkom
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2014


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