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ABSTRAKSI: UMA(Unlicensed Mobile Access) merupakan standar teknologi MDO(Mobile Data Offload) yang diperkenalkan pada September 2004, kemudian disahkan oleh 3GPP Release 6 dengan nama GAN (Generic Access Network). UMA memanfaatkan teknologi non-3GPP yaitu WLAN standar IEEE 802.11 untuk mengatasi overload trafik dan blank spot yang ada pada jaringan eksisting seperti 3G atau 4G. Dalam komunikasi seluler, overload trafik adalah masalah yang timbul akibat kapasitas atau resource jaringan yang tidak mampu lagi menampung kebutuhan trafik user<br>Dalam Tugas Akhir ini, telah dilakukan perencanaan jaringan 3G(UMTS/HSDPA) dengan WLAN 802.11n outdoor pada frekuensi 5.8 GHz dan bandwidth 20 MHz dari segi RF (Radio Frequency) menggunakan metode coverage dan capacity planning, serta mempertimbangkan kondisi trafik eksisting tiap daerah Dense Urban, Urban, Suburban dan Rural di kota Bandung. Sehingga didapatkan fase perencanaan pertama (2013) dilakukan integrasi jaringan didaerah Dense Urban, fase kedua (2014) mulai dilakukan integrasi di daerah Urban dan fase ketiga (2015) mulai dilakukan integrasi didaerah Suburban<br>Hasil dari penelitian Tugas Akhir ini, menunjukkan bahwa performansi jaringan tiap fase perencanaan dari segi coverage by signal level di Kota Bandung dikatakan baik, karena lebih dari 80% coverage WLAN 802.11n outdoor memiliki signal level penerimaan diatas -90dBm dan lebih dari 80% user yang mencoba offload berhasil mengakses WLAN 802.11n atau offload success rate lebih dari 80%. Selain itu, dengan adanya implementasi jaringan 3G(UMTS/HSDPA) dengan jaringan UMA/GAN WLAN802.11n outdoor, dapat meningkatkan 3G connection success rate lebih dari 75%. Dari segi network throughput, fase I di daerah Dense Urban naik hingga 442.2%(137.08 Mbps) atau 5 kali 3G. Fase II, di daerah Dense Urban naik hingga 771.29%(303.21 Mbps) atau 8 kali 3G. Di daerah Urban naik hingga 520.2%(184.46 Mbps) atau 6 kali 3G. Fase III, di daerah Dense Urban naik hingga 557.48%(300.6 Mbps) atau 6 kali 3G. Didaerah Urban naik hingga 334.1%(207.85 Mbps) atau 4 kali 3G. Didaerah Suburban naik hingga 309.3%(151.36 Mbps) atau 4 kali 3G.<br>Kata Kunci : 3G(UMTS/HSDPA), UMA/GAN, WLAN 802.11n outdoor,offload, coverage by signal level, throughput.ABSTRACT: ( Unlicensed Mobile Access ) is a technology of MDO ( Mobile Data Offload ) standard that UMA was introduced in September 2004 , and approved by the 3GPP Release 6 with the name GAN ( Generic Access Network ) . Utilizing UMA technology , namely the non - 3GPP WLAN IEEE 802.11 standard to reduce the overload of traffic and blank spot on the existing network such as 3G or 4G . In mobile communications ,overload traffic is a problem that arises due to capacity or network resources are no longer able to accommodate the needs of the user traffic .<br>In this final project , has made planning of integration between 3G network ( UMTS / HSDPA ) with WLAN 802.11n outdoor at frequency of 5.8 GHz and bandwidth 20 MHz in terms of RF ( Radio Frequency ) using the method of coverage and capacity planning , as well as considering the conditions of each of the existing traffic area in Dense Urban , Urban , Suburban and Rural atBandung city . So we get the first phaseplanning ( 2013) started to do the integration in Dense Urban area, the second phase ( 2014 ) began in Urban and in third phase (2015 ) started to do the integration Suburban area <br>The results of this final study , indicate that the network performance of each phase of planning in terms of coverage by the signal level is good , because more than 80 % coverage of WLAN 801.11n outdoor in Bandung has a signal level above - 90dBm and more than 80% of users that trying to offload successfully connected or offload success rate more than 80% . Beside that, with this integration can increase 3G connection success rate above 75% than before integration. In terms of network throughput, phase I in Dense Urban areas increased to 442.2%(137.08 Mbps) 3G or 4 times. Phase II , in Dense Urban area increased to 797.5 % ( 309.02 Mbps ) 3G or 8 times. In Urban areas increased to 520.2 % ( 184.46 Mbps ) 3G or 6 times. Phase III , in Dense Urban area increased to 557.48% ( 300.6 Mbps ) 3G or 6 times. Urban areas increased to 334.1 % ( 207.85 Mbps ) 3G or 4 times before integration. Suburban areas increased to 309.3% ( 151.36 Mbps ) 3G or 4 times.<br>Keyword: 3G ( UMTS / HSDPA ) , UMA / GAN , WLAN 802.11n outdoor , offload , coverage by the signal level , throughput .

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Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting Nachwan Mufti, Tody Ariefianto Wibowo


Nama Universitas Telkom
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2014


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