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004.6 - Data communications, computer communications


Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference


Jaringan Multimedia


12 kali

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ABSTRAKSI: Femtocell merupakan teknologi mikro pemancar yang menggunakan level daya rendah, menggunakan frekuensi resmi seperti yang digunakan pada jaringan seluler, dikoneksikan dengan backhaul jaringan internet. Femtocell memiliki 3 metoda access, yaitu open access, closed acces, dan hybrid access. Femtocell biasanya dipasang di rumah, gedung, dan perkantoran.<br><br>Femtocell yang dipasang diperkantoran mempunyai kerakteristik sendiri karena dipengaruhi oleh background data yang ada pada jaringan perusahaan. Komunikasi data yang terdapat di perkantoran terdiri dari komunikasi data intranet dan komunikasi data internet.<br><br>Dalam tugas akhir ini dianalisis QoS femtocell HSDPA untuk layanan multimedia pada jaringan data perusahaan Research and Development Center PT Telekomunikasi Bandung menggunakan metode closed access. Dalam implementasi ini, dilakukan pengujian mengenai performansi femtocell HSDPA terhadap background traffic yang ada pada perusahaan. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Network Monitoring System (NMS), 1xChariot, Cisco Movi Telepresence, dan PRTG. Pengujian melibatkan berbagai jenis layanan multimedia dengan beberapa skenario yang berbeda.<br><br>Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa performansi femtocell untuk di perusahaan Reasearch and Development Center PT Telekomunikasi Bandung rata-rata memuaskan (sesuai standar referensi [1]). Bandwidth layanan multimedia pada femtocell sendiri umumnya memuaskan. Untuk layanan multimedia (FTP, Voice G.711u, Video Confenrence) dengan background intranet traffic layanan voice mempunyai rata-rata packet loss dibawah 3% (memenuhi standar referensi [1]), dan mempunyai rata-rata jitter dibawah 40 ms (memenuhi standar referensi[1]). Untuk layanan multimedia (Video Conference) dengan pembebanan background sampai 75% dari bandwidth 9 Mbps memiliki rata-rata pakcet loss diatas 3% (tidak memenuhi standar referensi [1]), tetapi mempunyai rata-rata jitter 40 ms (memenuhi standar referensi [1]).<br>Kata Kunci : femtocell HSDPA, intranet, internetABSTRACT: Femtocell is a micro-transmitter technology that uses low power levels, using the official frequency as used in cellular networks, backhaul networks connected to the Internet. Femtocell has 3 access methode, which is open access, closed acces, and hybrid access. Femtocell is usually installed in homes, buildings, and offices.<br><br>Femtocell has posted in office them selves as influenced by the background data on the corporate network. Communication of data contained in the office consists of a data communications data communications intranet and internet.<br><br>In this thesis analyzed HSDPA femtocell QoS for multimedia services on enterprise data networks Research and Development Center PT Telekomunikasi Bandung using the method of closed access. In this implementation, testing of HSDPA femtocell performance against the existing background traffic on the company. Tests carried out by using the Network Monitoring System (NMS), 1xChariot, Movi Cisco Telepresence, and PRTG. Tests involving various types of multimedia services with several different scenarios.<br><br>The test results showed that performance in the company's femtocell for Reasearch and Development Center PT Telekomunikasi Bandung average satisfactory (according to the reference standard [1). Bandwidth multimedia services on the femtocell itself is generally very small. For multimedia services (FTP, G.711u Voice, Video Confenrence) with background traffic intranet voice services have an average packet loss below 3% (meets the reference standard [1]), and has an average jitter below 40 ms (meet the reference standard 1]). For multimedia services (video conference) with background loading to 75% of the bandwidth of 9 Mbps has pakcet average packet loss above 3% (does not meet the reference standard [1), but has an average of 40 ms jitter (meet the reference standard [1]).Keyword: femtocell HSDPA, intranet, internet

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Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting LEANA VIDYA YOVITA, Hadi Hariyanto


Nama Universitas Telkom
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2012


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
Denda harian IDR 0,00
Jenis Non-Sirkulasi