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Transmisi Telkom


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ABSTRAKSI: Kebutuhan masyarakat akan komunikasi data menuntut proses pertukaran data yang cepat, mudah dan mobile. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ini 3GPP mengeluarkan teknologi HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) yang termasuk ke dalam generasi 3G. Indoor user yang memadati gedung-gedung besar seperti di pusat perbelanjaan, perkantoran, dan tempat umum lainnya sering kali mendapat kualitas sinyal HSDPA yang buruk. Hal ini disebabkan oleh konstruksi bangunan dengan berbagai material yang menjadi penghalang perambatan sinyal dan memperburuk kualitas layanan yang dirasakan user. Salah satu solusi atau alternatif yang memungkinkan dari permasalahan tersebut adalah femtocell.<br><br> Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan pengukuran unjuk kerja layanan data pada indoor HSDPA yang meliputi penilaian dari parameter RSCP (Receive Signal Code Power), Ec/No (Energy per Chip-to-Total Noise) dan throughput yang diterima oleh user. Didapatkan rata-rata nilai RSCP sebesar -98,7783 dBm, rata-rata nilai Ec/no -9,96 dB dan rata-rata nilai throughput 94,29 kbit/s. Dari hasil ini didapatkan faktor yang mendorong dibutuhkannya femtocell adalah dari segi coverage. <br><br> Perhitungan jumlah femtocell yang dibutuhkan di gedung B menggunakan model propagasi COST 231 Multiwall model yang memperhitungkan loss dari dinding dan lantai yang dilewati sinyal dan didapatkan jumlah femtocell sebanyak 15 buah. Penempatan 15 buah femtocell disebar pada 3 lantai yang berbeda dengan pembagian 6 buah di lantai 1, 5 buah di lantai 2, dan 4 buah di lantai 3. Simulasi penempatan femtocell menggunakan software RPS (Radiowave Propagation Simulator). Hasil keluaran yang ditinjau yaitu dari coverage plot, best serving transmitter, dan perbandingan penyebaran sinyal terhadap interferensinya. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan coverage rata-rata di lantai 1 sebesar - 60,20 dBm, - 64,91 dBm di lantai 2 dan - 65,08 dBm di lantai 3. Sedangkan SIR di lantai 1 rata-rata 16,84 dB, rata-rata 25,10 dB di lantai 2 dan rata-rata 27,32 dB di lantai 3. <br><br>Kata Kunci : 3G, HSDPA, femtocellABSTRACT: Community needs for data communications requires data exchange process is fast, easy and mobile. To meet this requirement, 3GPP issues HSDPA technology (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) which belong to the 3G generation. Indoor users who crowded the great buildings such as shopping centers, offices and other public places often get poor HSDPA signal quality. This is caused by the construction of buildings with a variety of materials that become a barrier signal propagation and worsens the quality of service perceived by users. One of the possible solutions or alternatives to these problems is the femtocell<br><br> In this Final Project, performance measurements done on indoor HSDPA data services that include assessment of parameters RSCP (Receive Signal Code Power), Ec / No (Energy per chip-to-Total Noise) and the throughput received by user. Obtained an average value of RSCP is -98,7783 dBm, the average value of Ec / No is -9,96 dB, and the average throughput values is 94,29 kbit/s. Obtained from these results that the push factors needed femtocell is in terms of coverage.<br><br> Calculation of the number of femtocells needed in building B using COST 231 Multiwall propagation model that takes into account loss of wall and floor which the signal through and obtained the number of femtocells as many as 15 pieces. Placement of 15 pieces femtocells deployed on three different floors with the distribution of 6 pieces on the first floor, 5 pieces on the second floor, and 4 pieces on the third floor. Femtocell placement simulation using RPS (Radiowave Propagation Simulator) software. The output is in terms of coverage of the plot, best serving transmitter, and the spread of the signal to interference ratio. From the result showed an average coverage on the first floor is - 60.20 dBm, - 64.91 dBm on the second floor and - 65.08 dBm at the third floor. While the SIR average on the first floor is 16.84 dB, 25.10 dB average on the second floor and average 27.32 dB on the third floor.<br>Keyword: 3G, HSDPA, femtocell

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Nama sondang octianingrum
Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting Uke Kurniawan Usman, Hadi Hariyanto


Nama Universitas Telkom
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2012


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
Denda harian IDR 0,00
Jenis Non-Sirkulasi