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Transmisi Telkom


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ABSTRAKSI: Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) adalah salah satu teknologi akses kecepatan tinggi yang memiliki keunggulan multi services, dan ketersediaan bandwidth besar untuk aplikasi triple play (voice, data, video). Namun, proses transmisi melalui media serat optik tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya degradasi sinyal yang terjadi sehingga dapat mengganggu proses transmisi dan informasi yang dibawa menuju receiver. Faktor utama yang mempengaruhi terjadinya degradasi sinyal tersebut disebabkan karena redaman dan dispersi.<br> Dispersi merupakan gejala pelebaran pulsa pada serat optik. Akibatnya, untuk mengatasi gejala tersebut, diperlukan dispersion power penalty yang didefinisikan sebagai kenaikan daya input yang dibutuhkan pada receiver untuk mengeliminasi degradasi pada BER (bit error rate) yang disebabkan oleh efek dispersi serat optik. Pada penelitian tugas akhir ini, akan dilihat nilai dan pengaruh dispersion power penalty yang didapatkan dari metode low pass filter approximation rule terhadap beberapa parameter performansi sistem GPON meliputi rise time budget, power link budget serta power margin. Hasil pengukuran melalui NMS dilibatkan juga sebagai pembanding agar dapat diteliti ada atau tidaknya kesesuaian antara data lapangan dengan perhitungan teori.<br> Setelah melakukan analisis, diketahui bahwa dari segi perancangan perhitungan teori menjadi lebih akurat dengan penambahan dispersion power penalty, khususnya power link budget dan power margin. Secara umum zero dispersion wavelength (&#955;0) serat optik eksisting area STO Centrum Bandung yakni 1312 nm dan dispersion slope parameters (S0) seharga 0,093 ps/ menghasilkan dispersion power penalty terbesar senilai 2,7706 dB pada jarak 7,085 km (trial IPTV Japati) dengan kondisi panjang gelombang operasi downstream 1550 nm, chromatic dispersion coefficient 17,537863 ps/, total chromatic dispersion 124,256 ps serta line rates 2,488 Gbps. Jaringan STO Centrum berada dalam kategori layak atau bagus karena mayoritas memiliki level daya terima di kisaran -18 hingga -22 dBm (excellent) serta margin daya yang dihasilkan juga tidak bernilai negatif (M > 0).<br>Kata Kunci : GPON, ODN, dispersion power penalty, chromatic dispersionABSTRACT: Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) is one of the high-speed access technology has the advantage of multiple services, and the availability of large bandwidth for the application of triple play (voice, data, video). However, the transmission through optical fiber media did not cover the possibility of signal degradation that occurs so as to interfere with the transmission and the information brought into the receiver. The main factors influencing the signal degradation due to attenuation and dispersion.<br> Dispersion is a symptom of pulse broadening in optical fibers. Consequently, in order to cope with these symptoms, required dispersion power penalty is defined as the increase in the input power required at the receiver to eliminate the degradation of the BER (bit error rate) caused by optical fiber dispersion effects. In this final study, will see the value and influence of dispersion power penalty obtained from the low pass filter approximation method rule against multiple GPON system performance parameters include rise time budget, power link budget and power margin. The measurement results through the NMS also included as a comparison to be examined whether there is any correspondence between the field data with theoretical calculations.<br> After doing the analysis, it is known that in terms of design theory calculations to be more accurate with the addition of dispersion power penalty, especially power link budget and power margin. In general, the zero dispersion wavelength (&#955;0) of the existing fiber optic STO Centrum Bandung area is 1312 nm and a dispersion slope parameters (S0) for 0.093 ps/ produce the greatest dispersion power penalty worth 2.7706 dB at a distance of 7.085 miles (IPTV trial Japati) with the conditions downstream operating wavelength 1550 nm, chromatic dispersion coefficient 17.537863 ps/, total chromatic dispersion 124.256 ps and line rates 2.488 Gbps. Network STO Centrum is in decent or good category because the majority have received power level in the range of -18 to -22 dBm (excellent) and the margin of power generated also be not negative (M> 0).<br>Keyword: GPON, ODN, dispersion power penalty, chromatic dispersion

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Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting Akhmad Hambali, Bambang Uripno


Nama Universitas Telkom
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2012


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
Denda harian IDR 0,00
Jenis Non-Sirkulasi