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Work Teams, I Work Teams

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As with any planing for a journey , we first need to take time to consider where we’ve been and where we want to go. then when envision all the wonderful places we might want to visit , honing in on a places that would bring us the most happines. Finelly , we’d have to create a plan and devise aroute for how we would get there . We can take the scenic route, stoping along many point ,along the way. We could take the train and observe the passing sight or take a plane and go directly to our destination, before we leave, we will also need to select from nomerous lodging option and make reservation.This journey of personal development is no diferent . in unit 1. We offer an opportunityfor you to asses what ( skills, values , traits ) you taking inventory , we are better equipped to select where we want to be ( clarifying target areas for improving personal and profesional effectivenes ). The differen stops along the way – unit 2 , 3 – 4 offter an asortment of option that , individually and collectively, promise to provide an interesting and enlightning journey on your way to personal and profesional succes

Koleksi & Sirkulasi

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Nama Suzanne C. De Janasz
Jenis Perorangan


Nama McGraw Hill
Kota New Yor
Tahun 2009


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
Denda harian IDR 1.000,00
Jenis Sirkulasi

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