Informasi Umum




302.2 - communication, content analysis, semiotics


Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference


Intercultural Communication, Communication And Culture,


11 kali

Informasi Lainnya


<p>The increasing demand for education has led to a rise in foreign students seeking global experiences. However, they often experience a range of communication barriers in their home university. It also includes Telkom University. The study discovered a scenario in which there exists a gap between foreign and local students at Telkom University. The data is derived from pre-research interviews performed by the researcher of this study with two foreign students at Telkom University. They asserted that there was very little interaction between foreign and local students, particularly concerning campus organization and events. This problem arises due to communication barriers that result in a gap between them. The objective of this study is to identify the communication barriers that arise between foreign and local students, as well as to examine their adjustment strategies in response to these barriers. The researcher employed the qualitative method and case study methodology to examine and analyze the issues faced by six foreign students. This involved observing, interviewing, and documenting information gathered from the informants. The findings indicate the presence of five distinct communication barriers: assumptions of similarities, language differences, non verbal misinterpretations, preconceptions and stereotypes, and high anxiety. There are also five factors that contribute to the occurrence of communication barriers: cultural differences, the media, personal beliefs/values, personal experiences, and historical background. In addition, the informants implemented one adjustment strategy to address their communication barriers. The strategy mentioned is convergence strategy.</p>

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Penyunting Iis Kurnia Nurhayati


Nama Universitas Telkom, S1 Ilmu Komunikasi (International Class)
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2024


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