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658.404 - Project management


Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference


Project Management


33 kali

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<p>PT XYZ is a subsidiary limited liability company located in Bandung City. PT XYZ is engaged in performing services in construction and network infrastructure management. There are several divisions in PT XYZ Company, amongst them is SDI (Survey Drawing Inventory) Division. SDI Division is currently having ongoing projects. These projects perform several projects such as modernization of copper access networks with Fiber Optics, development of FTTH (Fiber to The Home) to support broadband services and improvements in service flows. In the project progress, SDI Division has the responsibility to prepare HLD (High Level Design) for each project in order to be taken out by the Construction Division in the field. PT XYZ has their own measurements to monitor the subsidiary companies. PT XYZ is divided into several areas, namely Regional. Each regional consists of several Witel or Wilayah usaha telekomunikasi. Regional X consists of several Witel that includes Witel A, Witel B, Witel C, Witel D, Witel E and Witel F. There are several objectives that is recorded in the Statement of Work (SOW) for these projects. One of them stated that every Witel in Regional X have to reach 100% in achievement. It was found that not all Witel achieved the target. Therefore, this issue calls the necessary to improve the competency aspects by using a framework. Project Manager Competency Development Framework is used to enhance the competency components. PMCDF is a framework that can specify the competency that is required by the project managers. Based on PMCDF there are three competencies that include knowledge, performance and personal competences. This research’s measurement will use personal competence for the assessment. Personal competence is preferable because out of the three competencies, personal competence is typically applied when directing a project. Personal competence is evaluated across six elements, namely communicating, leading, managing, cognitive ability, effectiveness, and professionalism. ii This research performed an assessment of the personal aspects of Witel A Project Manager of SDI Division where Witel A placed in the first rank among the first quartile of 2023. Using the Likert scale and using a 360-degree feedback technique, the author was able to find out the details of the personal aspects of the SDI Project Manager of Witel A and a competency development plan design was established for Witel A Project Manager. The development needs for Witel A project manager will be the aspects that can be developed further. While the priority vector of the personal aspects has been pointed out by using AHP method based on the experts in PT XYZ, it is known that Communicating, Professionalism and Leading competences are the most important subsequently. Therefore, these personal aspects will be the preceding development needs for the Project Manager. Moreover, the competency development plan design for Witel C and Witel F is also established by using the prominent personal aspects of Witel A Project Manager as the development needs. As for the development needs for Witel C and Witel F will be addressed by peer-to-peer coaching where Witel A project manager will coach the project managers of Witel C and Witel F. Besides peer-to-peer coaching, benchmark and shadowing can also be the solution in order to address their development needs of personal aspects. Keywords – Project, Project Manager, Project Competency Development Framework (PMCDF), Personal Competence</p>

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Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting Ika Arum Puspita, G.N. Sandhy Widyasthana


Nama Universitas Telkom, S1 Teknik Industri (International Class)
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2023


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
Denda harian IDR 0,00
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