Informasi Umum




006.76 - Multimedia systems- Programming, internet programming, web programming


Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference


Web Programming, Web Development,


6 kali

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At this time the growth of technology has increased rapidly to encourage the development of mobile technology, especially on mobile phones. With the development of the internet and today's technology, mobile phones have become the gadgets that are most often used, especially by young people, millennials and also gen z. In a study, it was stated that Indonesia is one of the countries that access the internet the most by being ranked first in the ASEAN region and ranked 3rd for Asia Pacific and it is predicted that 67% of connections are accessed via mobile devices. In this case, the integrated academic information system Telkom University website, namely I-Gracias, has a fairly serious problem when accessed via a special smartphone device on the TA/PA menu, many students complain about existing problems such as truncated content, messy buttons, having to spend a lot of effort more to zoom in or out of the screen, and other serious problems. To overcome the existing problems, in this study the user interface design (UID) pattern method was applied to define recurring problems and provide concrete design solutions to solve existing problems. To find out user habits and needs, the User Centered Design (UCD) method is applied which focuses on knowing the product from the user's point of view, user needs, user habits, and user experience. Then the results of this research are in the form of a prototype menu for the mobile version of the TA/PA website of the I-Gracias website which received a good response from students, this refers to usability testing using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the final score of SUS was 81.18. This score is included in the EXCELLENT category with grade scale A.

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Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting Gede Agung Ary Wisudiawan, Shinta Yulia Puspitasari


Nama Universitas Telkom, S1 Informatika (International Class)
Tahun 2022


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
Denda harian IDR 0,00
Jenis Non-Sirkulasi