658.8 - Marketing management, Management of distribution, Marketing goods, Marketing services, merchandising
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference
121 kali
In today's digital era, technological developments are getting faster every year. Businesses also continue to innovate and collaborate in order to be able to answer the challenges of globalization. One of the services provided is non-cash payments or commonly referred as e-wallet. The use of e-wallets is increasing every year. ShopeePay is one of the e-wallets in Indonesia which has an increasing number of users every month. Because of this, it is important to analyze the factors that can influence the intention to use ShopeePay.
The purpose of this study is to explain the influence of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, privacy, social influence, and trust on the intention to use ShopeePay. The data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 385 respondents using purposive sampling. Data collection using a questionnaire. Data analysis used descriptive analysis techniques and multiple linear regression analysis. The data in this study were processed using SPSS 25. The results show perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, security and trust have a partially significant influence on intention to use ShopeePay, while social influence do not have a partially significant influence on intention to use ShopeePay. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, security, social influence, and trust have a simultaneous influence on intention to use Shopeepay.
Seluruh 1 koleksi sedang dipinjam
Jenis | Perorangan |
Penyunting | Adhi Prasetio |
Penerjemah |
Nama | Universitas Telkom, S1 International Ict Business |
Kota | Bandung |
Tahun | 2021 |
Harga sewa | IDR 0,00 |
Denda harian | IDR 0,00 |
Jenis | Non-Sirkulasi |