515.35 - Differential Equations
Buku - Elektronik (E-Book)
Differential Equations, Calculus,
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 10b
Tel-U Purwokerto : Rak 5
105 kali
The concept of fractional derivative (Fractional derivative (FD)) was introduced after 1695 as a simply academic generalization of integer derivative. An FD generalizes the order of differentiation from positive integers Set of natural numbers (N) to real Set of real numbers (R), or even to complex Set of complex numbers (C) numbers. A detailed presentation of the old historical steps of fractional calculus (Fractional calculus (FC)) with references is presented in the papers [45, 50].
In the last two decades, it was established that a series of phenomena can be studied in terms of FC. It was established that the rheologic properties [34] of some polymers can be expressed with the aid of fractional differential models [1, 2, 10, 15, 20, 26, 28, 29, 36]. Fractional phenomena were established as the damping phenomena in the high-density polyurethane foams [42], nuclear reactor dynamics [35], thermoelasticity [33], mechanical vibrations [8], or biological tissues [5, 19]. An analysis of the integer and fractional entropy is performed in [44].
This review of the possible applications of FC in the real world justifies the necessity of its extensive study. The aim of this book is to introduce a series of problems and methods insufficiently discussed in the field of FC. A series of examples based on symbolic computation, written in Maple© and Mathematica©, are presented. The reader can find other useful applications for the case of integer order systems in the book of Inna Shingareva and C. LizárragaCelaya [41], which can be extended to the case of fractional calculus, or the book of problems [17].
This book is organized in six chapters.
Tersedia 1 dari total 1 Koleksi
Nama | Constantin Milici, Gheorghe Draganescu, J. Tenreiro Machado |
Jenis | Perorangan |
Penyunting | |
Penerjemah |
Nama | Springer |
Kota | Switzerland |
Tahun | 2019 |
Harga sewa | IDR 0,00 |
Denda harian | IDR 0,00 |
Jenis | Non-Sirkulasi |