Informasi Umum




005.36 - Program for Personal Computer, Aplication Program, Information System


Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference


Information System


39 kali

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In the software development phase, the first step was analyzing existing process of monitoring and maintanence network especially access point which have of Titik Maya ISP. To support the system, data collection was conducted by collecting raw data such as access point and the little information of customer, which are identified based on category and type of data to get the information needed. The next step was studying literatures about how to create System Information needed using collected data, and then it was advanced to system designing. System testing and analyzing was conducted after the software has been developed to decide whether the system is already appropriate with the initial objectives or not, and to analyze weaknesses, which will be improved to create a better system.

The conclusion of the research is the System Information Monitoring Access Point with SMS Gateway can give the up to date information about access point through short message services will send to field engineer, This application can be used as a tools to find a location of access point and customers. By adding other abilities and information, it will give more benefits for monitoring and maintenance access point.

In the development of geographic system, the first stage that must be done is to analize the existing process for network monitoring and maintaining (access point). Next, to support the system we must gather the data. Accepted data contain the access point types and categories and the result is information. After that, literature study been done to show how to make information application using the existing data go on with the system design. After system been built, test and result analisys been done, in order for the equivalency aim, also to analize the weakness of the system to be corrected.

From the research result, the conclusion is System Information Network Monitoring (access point) is able to give the spoiled information status for the malfunction of network (access point), automatically through sending the short message to the field engineer and able to be done as the assist instrument for seeking the location of access point and customers in the property of ISP Titik Maya, so that all activity related can be done in good condition. <br> System Information, SMS Gateway

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Nama Renaldo
Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting Romat Saedudin


Nama Universitas Telkom, S1 Teknik Industri
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2009


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
Denda harian IDR 0,00
Jenis Non-Sirkulasi

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