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658.83 - Market research, Market analysis, Market study, Interviewing, use of consultants and research agencies, Techniques of consulting in market research


Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference




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Activities selling products in an online presented many online shops in social media . One of the social media  that used to make selling products copies are circulating among is Instagram. Factors which affect support online purchases should be noticed by the online shops in order to meet the needs and desires customers. This research aims to know. factors that influenced product purchase fashion online at media social Instagram and to know the most dominant from each factor. This Research methods to the type of quantitative analysis the factors descriptive and used in the application SPSS 20.00 in windows seven. The variables that is analyzed in this research is Impulse Purchases Orientation, Service Quality, Customer Loyalty, Factor Influencing Customer Choice, Perceived risk, Trust, Consumer Experience, Informativeness, P.O. Intention. Technical data collection to students active International ICT Business University of Telkom will be done in a way interviews and questionnaires. Samples in this research techniques proportionate stratified random sampling 100 people from the level of trust by 99% and Jusamn explained of 1 percent.  Results of the study showed that ninth variables that are involved from the beginning or, apparently does provide the influence of university students in the International ICT Business of Telkom University to shop fashion through Instagram. There are five variables that dominated on a student from the International ICT Business of Telkom University to shop fashion through Instagram, namely: purchase intention, can explain 83.0 % of consumer behavior, informativeness, can explain 78.0 % of consumer behavior, service quality, can explain 69.2 % of consumer behavior, impulse purchase orientation, can explain 62.8 % of consumer behavior  , online trust, can explain 61.4 % of consumer behavior Key word: Analysis of factors, Online Purchasing, Instagram

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Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting Indira Rachmawati


Nama Universitas Telkom
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2016


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
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