Informasi Umum




658.834 3 - Consumer attitudes, Preferences, Reactions, Brand preferences, Consumer satisfaction


Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference


Consumer Satisfaction


7 kali

Informasi Lainnya


The number of Internet user is increasing every year. Transaction via internet is called e-commerce. Online shopping is one of the most popular internet activities. Provide a good electronic service quality is needed to increase the customer satisfaction. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of electronic service quality toward customer satisfaction in Rakuten Belanja Online Indonesia. There are six dimensions of electronic service quality being used in this research that were predicted to influence the customer satisfaction which are information, ease of use, website design, reliability, security and personalization. This research, using descriptive - causal quantitative method as the basic foundation for doing research and the analysis model is using Multiple Regression. The data were collected by using purposive sampling by choosing the individuals which met the certain characteristics; in this case the Questionnaire has been distributed to 500 respondents by direct questionnaire and google drive which have shopping experience in Rakuten Belanja Online. For the descriptive analysis for the respondent, they categorized information dimension in the position “bad” and the other dimension which are ease of use, website design, reliability, security and personalization categorized in “not bad not good” position. This research suggested increasing customer satisfaction through electronic service quality. Based on descriptive result, in order to give a good electronic service quality, the company must give better service that the other online shops by provide a detailed information about product and service, deliver product quickly as the promises, make an attractive website and make it easy to used, clear and simple, improve the security, more aware to the customer and fast handling for the customer problem. This research used multiple regression analysis. The result of multiple regression in this research show the highest influence from six dimension of electronic service quality is the Ease of Use dimension and the rest of the other independent variable also have positive and significant effect to customer satisfaction with adjusted coefficient of determination is 60.3%. There are two hypothesis testing in this research, partial and simultan test. The result for the partial test shows that each independent variable is positive and significant effect to customer satisfaction. The result of simultan test shows that the jointly electronic service quality has positive and significant effect to customer satisfaction. In this research,60.3% of Rakuten Belanja Online customer satisfaction can be explained by six dimension of electronic service quality which are Information, Ease of Use, Website Design, Reliability, Security and Personalization. Keyword: e-commerce, service quality, electronic service quality, customer satisfaction

Koleksi & Sirkulasi

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Penyunting Indrawati


Nama Universitas Telkom
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2015


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